
This course is for a golfer who shoots between 105 and 120. Be more consistent. Play a smarter game.

  • Play your bunker shots better.

  • Eliminate the bad number.

  • Chip and pitch closer to the target.

  • Hit straighter shots.

Course curriculum

    1. University of Washington - Teaching Chipping as a Freshman.

    1. Let's develop more skills in this level.

    2. Welcome to the Intermediate Level (GTS 2.0).

    1. The Pie Chart - What to practice

    1. The Art of a great Weight Transfer.

    2. Backswing: A Solid Trail Knee.

    3. Backswing: Clubface Position

    4. Essential Pitching - What is it?

    5. The Essential Pitch Shot

    6. Impact!

    7. What is Inside-Out?

    8. What is Outside-In?

    9. New to Bunker - the ball position

    1. How many ways can the ball fly?

    2. Clubs: What's the Difference?

    3. Lies: Let's Explore.

    4. How to take a nice divot.

    5. 3 Possible Clubfaces.

    6. Have fun playing games and remembering stuff!

    7. Ideally you should wash your GRIPS often.

    1. 2.1 Dropping a ball, red penalty area, so much to know.

    2. Interesting fact about irons.

About this course

  • 48 lessons