
As you experience more time on the golf course, there are many nuances to learn, such as stepping over a player's line

  • What makes a great backswing

  • Develop an solid pre-shot routine

  • Learn more valuable short game shots

  • Understand tempo

Course curriculum

    1. You Chip Like a Boy

    1. Excited to acquire new shots!

    1. Aiming: Footwork is Key.

    2. Pre-Shot Routine: Watch a short video.

    3. Pre-Shot Routine - Developing and Practicing.

    4. Chipping: Change your ball position.

    5. Putting: The difference between long and short putts.

    6. Putting: Picture a large circle.

    7. Chipping: The Practice Swing.

    8. Chipping - Let the Lower Body control the Armswing.

    9. The Takeaway: The swing starts here!

    10. Backswing: Swing your club to an amazing position!

    11. Chipping - Let's add inside-out.

    12. Pitching: Let's see how to do it.

    13. Collect points on each shot!

    1. 1.7 Be ready for practice.

    2. Watch Out!!!!

    3. Don't be crazy on the teeing area!

    4. Bunker: How to rake it.

    1. Are you really in alignment?

    2. Declarative Language - a good way to talk.

    3. Mark your ball correctly and avoid penalties!

    4. The Teeing Area has special rules.

    5. A good tip for on course play.

    6. Where can you stand when you tee off?

    1. What's the difference between teeing off and teeing up?

About this course

  • 47 lessons

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